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HK$:1051 (Non Member Price)
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in the Festival time we will try our best to Delivery the flower nearby your request time
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Payment Method Total Amount
Online Payment
Bank Transfer
HK$: 1051 (Non Member Price)
After you completed the above information, click the ”Submit ” button to confirm the order and go to HK Bank SSL- Web Payment System.
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Web Payment Method
1. Credit Card Online Payment (Worldwide) Fill out the online order form, and pay through the Bank safe "Encrypted Transmission" (SSL System).

Detail (Payment Methods)
2. Onlien Bank Payment (China) Please fill out the Order Form and pay through the China Merchants Bank.
Bank Payment Method
3. Bank Payment (Worldwide & Hong Kong) Please fill out the Order Form before bank in the payment.
Detail (Payment Methods)
- Bank of China (HK) 030-584-1-009027-7
- Account holders : Yampo Network Co.
Cheque Payment Method
4. Cheque Payment (HK) Please fill out the Order Form, and pay by the cheque.
- Cheque should be made payable to Yampo Network Co.
- Please send the cheque to Rm 606, Kin Sang Building, 147 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Shop Payment Method
5. Come to shop payment (HK) Please fill out the Order Form, and come to shop payment.
Address: Rm 606, Kin Sang Building, 147 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
For further inquiry, give us an email at
Hong Kong Hotline : (852) 2142 5555 ( Hong Kong - Head office )
Whatsapp:(852) 9610 6841
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